La colère contre dieu jugée normale par une étude

S’il vous est déjà de vous mettre en colère contre Dieu et d’agiter votre petit poing contre le ciel, pas d’inquiétudes, c’est tout à fait normal, selon une étude publiée en janvier dernier dans le Journal of Personality and Social Psychology :

“The anger often stems from the belief that God is responsible for bad experiences, according to the research […]. Butanger isn’t an indication that someone is turning his or her back on God, said study researcher and Case Western Reserve University psychologist Julie Exline.

“People can be angry at God while still feeling love or respect toward God,” Exline told LiveScience. “In other words, the feelings are not mutually exclusive.”

The 1988 survey revealed that 62 percent of people were sometimes angry at God. Women, people who were more highly educated and younger individuals all showed a slightly greater tendency toward God-directed anger. White people were more likely than black people to report such religious anger, and Jews and Catholics were slightly more angry than Protestants.”

La précision des études américaines est toujours délicieusement incorrecte pour tout palais non-tryangulaire. Pas pour nous.

Source : At God We Rage: Anger at the Almighty Found to Be Common | LiveScience.