L’expérience du combat maritime sera-t-elle transposable dans les conflits spatiaux ?

Telle est la question posée par le site Foreign Policy à Chris Weuve, expert en technique de combat naval et fan de science-fiction. Il l’interroge notamment sur les séries télévisés de science-fiction les moins… réalistes. Sa réponse :

There are so many that are so bad. Star Wars is probably the worst. There is no explanation for why X-Wings [fighters] do what they do, other than the source material is really Zeroes [Japanese fighter planes] from World War II. Lucas quite consciously copied World War II fighter combat. He basically has said they analyzed World War II movies and gun camera footage and recreated those shots. Battlestar Galactica has other issues. One thing I have never understood is why the humans didn’t lose halfway through the first episode. If information moves at the speed of light, and one side has a tactically useful FTL [faster-than-light] drive to make very small jumps, then there is no reason why the Cylons couldn’t jump close enough and go, “Oh, there the Colonials are three light minutes away, I can see where they are, but they won’t see me for three minutes?” C.J. Cherryh’s novels address this a bit with the idea of “longscan,” where you predict where they are going to be, but you might not know for some period of time what they actually did.

 Un article à lire pour tous les lecteurs du Tryangle avide d’opinion sur la transposition des techniques navales aux combats spatiaux. C’est ici.